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Javier Lopez Takes Over as Youngest Managing Partner at Kozyak Tropin

Javier Lopez takes on management duties as the youngest managing partner at KTT. 

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7 Cases to Watch in 2020

Tal J. Lifshitz is keeping a close eye on a case before the Florida Supreme Court that will regulate a party’s ability to depose high-ranking officials in high-stakes discovery battles.

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Foundation or Fraud? That Was Something for a Bankruptcy Judge to Decide

Corali Lopez-Castro and her team led an effort successfully introducing fault-finding evidence against a debtor.

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DBR Recognizes Most Effective Lawyers for 2019

Corali Lopez-Castro was recognized along with three dozen South Florida attorneys for their exceptional achievements in the past year by the Daily Business Review. 

Miami Firm Handling Suit Against Ex-Presidente Market Owner Over Murder

Javier A. Lopez, Evan Stroman, and Dwayne A. Robinson of Kozyak Tropin and Throckmorton in Coral Gables are preparing for a civil trial. Lopez, Stroman, and Robinson represent the Market owners widow Daisy Holcombe, who’s seeking millions in damages for wrongful death and conspiracy to commit wrongful death.

BofA, Citizens Bank Defeat Investors’ $102M Ponzi Suit

A New York federal judge on Friday tossed out a suit brought by a proposed class of investors claiming Bank of America and Citizens Bank facilitated a $102 million Ponzi scheme, finding the investors hadn’t plausibly alleged the banks knew about the scheme.

Nuñez suit could turn more banks into targets

Evan Stroman takes lead for Miami law firm Kozyak, Tropin & Throckmorton, which represents the plaintiffs, bases its “trafficking” argument on information from a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, where Société Générale admitted that it violated the U.S. embargo against Cuba.

Mercedes-Benz’s Anti-Whiplash Headrests at Center of Putative Class Action Lawsuit

Benjamin Widlanksi and a team of Florida attorneys have launched a putative class action lawsuit against Mercedes-Benz USA LLC, claiming there’s a dangerous defect in hundreds of thousands of cars.

Economic Eye On Cuba

SEC 10Q Filing By Carnival Corporation For Potential Impact By Libertad Act Lawsuits.

Expert Q&A on Developing Issues in Blockchain Litigation

As blockchain technology becomes a common discussion within global commerce, Daniel Maland and Charles Throckmorton weigh-in to discuss growing issues in Blockchain litigation.

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As Cuba Lawsuits Heat Up, Not All Are Sold on Helms-Burton’s Promise

For Attorney Javier Lopez, Helms-Burton Lawsuits on Behalf of Families Whose Property Were Expropriated by the Castro Government, Are More Than Just About Money. They’re Personal.

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Florida Bankruptcy Judge Says Trustee Can Pursue Miami Businessman’s $600M Debt

Corali Lopez-Castro represented a bankruptcy trustee in one of the most complicated cases of her career.