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Florida Bar YLD Interviews Javier Lopez on Mental Health

As lawyers, we are mostly allergic to vulnerability, taking off the masks that we wear on a daily basis and being honest with ourselves and our colleagues.  The truth is, I love being a lawyer, it is the privilege of my life to do what I love to do with partners whom I love to practice with. Unfortunately a commercial litigator, there are always winners and losers, and each side is always looking for a competitive or strategic advantage. It is a high-stress environment, and no side ever wants to “blink” first.

As Trump Allows Cuba Lawsuits, Young Lawyer Sees Vindication

Javier Lopez has spent hundreds of hours interviewing Cuban exiles and meticulously building cases for families who lost property after the 1959 revolution. He’s pored over obscure legal papers, Spanish-language newspaper articles and, in one case, a century-old parchment deed.

Lawsuit against Miami Beach puts 2012 corruption scheme back in the spotlight

A lawsuit set for trial in June could shed light on a notorious episode of corruption in Miami Beach history at a time when the city is taking new steps to prevent future misconduct.

Accused of gruesome murder, former Presidente supermarket owner sued for wrongful death

Manuel Marin, a wealthy Miami businessman who owned a series of Presidente supermarkets, is awaiting trial in criminal court on allegations he masterminded the savage murder of his wife’s secret lover.

Sears, once a retail titan, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Sears Holdings Corp filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday with a plan to close 142 more stores, throwing into doubt the future of the century-old retailer that once dominated U.S. malls but has withered in the age of internet shopping.

Empresario es demandado por matar al amante de su mujer

Manuel Marín fue demandado por la esposa de un hombre al que supuestamente mandó asesinar por tener un romance con su mujer.

Ex dueño de Presidente Supermarkets acusado en demanda civil de muerte por negligencia

Manuel Marín, un acaudalado empresario de Miami que fuedueño de la cadena de supermercados Presidente Supermarkets, esperajuicioen un tribunal penal acusado de planear el asesinato salvaje del amante secreto de suesposa.


Nueva demanda contra magnate hispano acusado de matar al amante de suesposa

It was February 2011 when Marín, 64, discovered that sumujer, Jenny Marín, had an affair with Salazar, with whom she had been gone for years before meeting the Cuban businessman and getting married.

Manuel Marín, empresario cubano acusado de asesinato, enfrenta ahora una demanda civil de la viuda de la víctima

Daisy Lewis Holcombe, viuda de Camilo Salazar, el hombre que fue asesinado en Junio de 2011 en Miami, ha presentado una demanda civil contra Manuel Marín y otros familiares de éste por “compensación de daños”.

Sears’ clearance sales will likely be full of steep discounts, but one key uncertainty could keep shoppers from biting

Sears has filed for bankruptcy and said it is closing 142 stores before the end of the year. GlobalData Retail’s Neil Saunders says it is wise for these stores to stay open for the holiday shopping season in order to clear out inventory, but he warns that customers may be turned off of the deals because of the uncertainty around warranties.

La bancarrota de Sears: la tienda por departamentos pide tiempo para reorganizarse y salvarse del cierre definitivo

El plan, además de contemplar los cierres de algunas tiendas e incluir nuevos préstamos, está marcado por la renuncia de Eddie Lampert como director, aunque seguirá siendo miembro de la junta directiva.

Federal Jury Rules Against Ultra Music Festival in European Trademark Dispute

A Miami jury has ruled in favor of a Croatia-based production company in their trademark dispute with the titan of concerts, Ultra Music Festival.