Limestone Blasting Questionnaire

Limestone Blasting Questionnaire

Address of Physical Property Affected
Address of Physical Property Affected
0 of 1500 max characters
Estimated Damages to Physical Property *
1. To date, have you ever taken any legal action regarding the blasting problem? *
0 of 500 max characters
2. Have you ever hired a lawyer in relation to the blasting? *
0 of 500 max characters
3. Did you participate in any Morgan & Morgan blasting damage lawsuit? *
0 of 500 max characters
4. Have you filed an insurance claim in relation to the blasting? *
0 of 500 max characters
Explain the result/status:
5. Have you hired an adjuster or conducted a formal assessment of damages? *
0 of 500 max characters
6. Are you prepared to file a lawsuit and potentially be deposed? *
7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
0 of 1000 max characters

Maximum file size: 52.43MB
