In the News

Demandan a Carnival en Miami por no aceptarcubanoamericanos en susviajes a Cuba

Demandan a Carnival en Miami por no aceptar cubano americanos en susviajes a Cuba.

Lawsuit filed against Carnival for agreeing to discriminatory Cuba cruise policy

Carnival Corporation’s upcoming voyage to Cuba has struck a nerve among part of Miami’s Cuban American population, inciting a federal lawsuit, protests and criticism from Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez.

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Miami-Dade mayor says Carnival may be violating local discrimination laws

Hours after a lawsuit was filed in federal court alleging that Carnival Cruise Line is discriminating against Cuban-born citizens, Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez asked the county attorney if Carnival is violating local discrimination laws. 

Lawyer to be honored by American Jewish Committee

The recipients of this award are people considered to embody much of what the judge represented: the rights of the individual and the importance of democratic values in an orderly society.

HCA hospitals sue Molina Healthcare over emergency room payments in Miami-Dade

A key challenge of the Affordable Care Act — the principle of covering more people through the insurance exchanges under Obamacare — is playing out in Miami-Dade Circuit Court this month as a group of South Florida hospitals spars with a health insurance company over payments for emergency room services.

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Attorney Tells Jury to Assess Company ‘Puppeteer,’ Wins $17 Million

Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton lawyers pierce the corporate veil to hold a borrower liable for $15 million in damages plus interest.

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Miami Attorneys Join Cuba Trip During Obama Visit

A handful of South Florida attorneys traveled to Cuba this week to witness President Barack Obama’s historic visit and participate in meetings with U.S. politicians, entrepreneurs and Cubans.

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CBS WFOR Channel 4-5 p.m. Newscast “Mentoring Matters: Local Attorneys Making a Difference As Mentors”

CBS WFOR Channel 4-5 p.m. Newscast “Mentoring Matters: Local Attorneys Making a Difference As Mentors”

Harley Tropin to be Honored with American Jewish Committee’s 2016 Judge Learned Hand Award

Harley S. Tropin, president of Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton, will receive American Jewish Committee’s (AJC) 2016 Judge Learned Hand Award, which is the highest honor given by AJC within the legal profession.

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Harley S. Tropin, president of Kozyak Tropin & Throckmorton, will receive the American Jewish Committee’s 2016 Judge Learned Hand Award, AJC’s highest honor within the legal profession.


The Art of the Mock

Who is the perfect juror? What is the most effective theme?