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Substance Over Sizzle

For food lovers, Southwest Florida can be a place rich in tasty cuisine, locally sourced ingredients and unforgettable tropical settings in which to wine and dine.


Retailers up Their Experiential Cred With Events, Beauty & Selfies

Much has been made of consumers’ changing shopping habits and the effect its having on American malls. As doors close across the country, retailers are looking for new ways to draw consumers in—and often these efforts go far beyond the products on the shelves.

Restaurant IndustryChapter 11 Bankruptcies

The past year has brought a waveof restaurant businesses filing forreorganization in Chapter 11. With inherently low profit margins, increased competition, limited pricingflexibility and a propensity for expansion without the support of underlying business fundamentals, theindustry is particularly susceptibleto business failure. The recent filings range from luxurious high endrestaurants to casual budget eateries, and often involve hundreds oflocations, thousands of employees, and hundreds of millions of dollars of debt. This article discussesthe causes of the recent trend, andsome of the issues that arise whenrestaurants avail themselves of theChapter 11 process.


Finding the Right Outside Counsel For Your Company

In today’s challenging, competitive business environment, finding qualified outside counsel with the right fee structuresis a top priority for corporate counsel. Following is some practical guidance to help corporatecounsel achieve this goal.



 Afederal judge has given initial approval to a nearly $150 million settlement with an investment firm over its alleged role in a “Ponzi-like” scheme to defraud investors in EB-5 funded developments projects at Jay Peak, Burke Mountain and in the city of Newport.


Retailers Going Bankrupt at Staggering Rate on Flood of Store Closures

Retailers reportedly are filing for bankruptcy protection at a disturbing rate that’s flirting with recessionary levels.

‘The dominoes are starting to fall’: Retailers are going bankrupt at a staggering rate

Retailers are filing for bankruptcy at an alarming rate that’s quickly approaching recessionary levels. It’s only April, and nine retailers have already filed for bankruptcy since the start of the year — as many as all of last year.

The retail apocalypse is having a terrifying impact on one corner of Wall Street

One of the biggest waves of retail closures in decades is killing off malls across the US and taking some Wall Street investments with it. Struggling with online competition, huge retailers like Sears, JCPenney, and Macy’s are closing hundreds of stores that typically anchor malls, meaning they occupy the largest spaces at mall entrances and drive most shopper traffic.

New York City’s high-end restaurants are disappearing

New York City’s higher-end restaurant scene is now experiencing what some national dining chains have been going through for the past year or so — closing the kitchen.

State, former healthcare provider agree to settle suit over prisoners’ untreated hernias

About 1,800 current and former Florida prison inmates who were denied medical care for hernias will be entitled to divide $1.7 million in damages from a class-action lawsuit under a conditional settlement agreed to by the Department of Corrections and its former prison health-care provider, Corizon, and filed in federal court in Tallahassee last week.

For Only $130 a Month, You Could Lease an Entire Office Inside a Virtually Empty Staples

In September, Staples partnered with Massachusetts operator of co-working space Workbar, to bring offices, reservable conference rooms, private phone rooms and free onsite parking, plus unlimited coffee as the retailer pointed out, to monthly members at a cost of $130. The spaces are only available at three Staples stores located near Boston so far.


Sears warranties could be worthless if company files bankruptcy: Money Matters

Now that Sears seems to be warning it could file bankruptcy, I’m wondering what could happen to my extended warranties on the appliances I’ve bought from Sears? I bought a new refrigerator, stove and dishwasher last year and also purchased extended warranties. If Sears goes out of business, who would honor those warranties?