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Today’s News People


2018 Retail Bankruptcies: Who’s Next?

The number of retail bankruptcy filings last year was the highest since the recession and analysts are predicting more retail bankruptcies to come.

Senior-level hires and promotions for the week of Feb. 12, 2018

Cori Lopez-Castro has been named to a one-year term as managing partner at KozyakTropin Throckmorton as part of the firm’s rotation of managing partners. She is a partner in the firm.

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Cuba Cruises, Police Brutality Cases Mark Work by Kozyak Tropin’s Lopez

Javier Lopez took on cases targeting a decades-old Cuban policy of excluding the arrival of Cuban nationals by boat and won a settlement in a police brutality case for a mentally ill client.

The buyers of six key lots in West Grove aren’t so mysterious after all

 The “mystery” buyers who won six sought-after West Coconut Grove lots in U.S. bankruptcy court are not so mysterious after all: They are well-known Miami financial figures Bruce Berkowitz and Bill Mahone.

Billionaire, fund manager buy Coconut Grove properties out of bankruptcy

 A company managed by billionaire insurance magnate William R. Berkley and equity fund manager Bruce Berkowitz acquired a collection of properties in Miami’s Coconut Grove at bankruptcy auction for $5.4 million.

Bruce Berkowitz and billionaire W.R. Berkley buy Coconut Grove site

 A company led by billionaire William Berkley and Bruce Berkowitz of Fairholme Holdings just picked up pieces of an assemblage in west Coconut Grove.

Abogados cubano americanos tienden la mano a migrantes de otros países latinos

La pequeña oficina legal que en los años 90 abrió en Miami para ayudar a cubanos con el inicio de la política “pie seco, pie mojado”, esahora un bufete con seis abogados de tiempo completo que dedican buena parte de su tiempo a ayudar sin costo a todo tipo de clientes, incluyendo a muchos centroamericanos y latinos de otras nacionalidades.

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We Are All Seeds of Immigrants (Video)

Nations attempt to curb migration, but the seeds of newcomers multiply. They continue to sprout and blossom in a nation of immigrants. Javier Lopez, a partner with Kozyak, Tropin & Throckmorton in Coral Gables, is one of those seeds.

Fidget spinners and squishies: some Toys ‘R’ Us toymakers cut ties

This summer, toy supplier Product Launchers delivered 100,000 specially ordered DC Comics fidget spinners to Toys ‘R’ Us, unaware that the biggest U.S. toy store chain was in financial trouble.

Fidget spinners and squishies: some Toys ‘R’ Us toymakers cut ties

This summer, toy supplier Product Launchers delivered 100,000 specially ordered DC Comics fidget spinners to Toys ‘R’ Us, unaware that the biggest U.S. toy store chain was in financial trouble.

Lawyers battle addiction and depression, too. Now they’re starting to talk about it

During its annual luncheon on Friday, August 25, 2017, at the Biltmore Hotel, the Cuban American Bar Association featured Brian Cuban, a Dallas attorney and brother of Mark Cuban, to talk about his personal journey with addiction, eating disorders, depression and suicide attempts. Cuban said it was important to have difficult conversations as the rate of suicides among attorneys is growing.